Reasons for 4ALLPORTAL

The 4ALLPORTAL software for media and product data (DAM & PIM) helps marketing and sales teams in large companies to increase cross-departmental productivity, eliminate repetitive tasks and drastically reduce the effort of your creative workflows.

Discover the multiple savings potential now and establish a new level of performance in your team!

Manage images, documents, tasks, licences and much more with just one software.

Media, documents and product information
Manage efficiently

Efficient data management

Save time and resources: Find all information and the latest versions of media and documents in seconds.

Easier collaboration

Share media, documents and product information securely and in your corporate design with your team or external parties via e-ticket, portals in all desired file formats.
Digital asset management for the media and entertainment industry.

Digital Asset Management für die Branche Media- und Entertainment

Automated workflows

Improve processes and make standardised tasks more secure and efficient through automated workflows.

Ensure brand consistency

Protect data with role and rights management. Approval workflows to securely use data for more brand consistency.
Make hundreds of images SEO-ready at the touch of a button.

Making hundreds of images SEO-ready at the touch of a button

There is no question how important a well thought-out SEO strategy can be for the success of your own company. In order to realise your SEO measures in a more targeted and resource-saving way, the 4ALLPORTAL relieves you of the tedious tasks that regularly arise in the context of “writing texts” and “optimising images”.

Create SEO ready images for your website
Utilize smart licensing automations to prevent infringements.

Avoid licence issues and warnings with clever sharing automations

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you no longer had to worry about whether the stock photos in your workspace could all be used freely? Without having to pay attention to image rights, licences, file formats and the right image size? With the 4ALLPORTAL, these thoughts are a thing of the past, so you can concentrate fully on your creativity.

You’ve never checked off your to-do list so quickly before

How often do you think to yourself, “Wow, I’m already done?!” – but then there are numerous tiny corrections, notes, hurdles with content approval, image conversions in Photoshop, etc. – so that you end up taking much longer than you actually thought. With the 4ALLPORTAL you are able to automate these recurring time wasters to finish tasks faster than ever.

How your team benefits

More knowledge for you

The ultimate DAM checklist

Learn how to find the perfect DAM solution for your business without regretting the decision later.

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ROI von Digital Asset Management
ROI of Digital Asset Management

Imagine if your team saved several hours of time every day: How would that affect your productivity and your marketing budget?

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Cost and savings potential in image management

Images, videos, documents and other assets
can be managed in a number of ways. Learn how you can save your companys cost.

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Do I need a DAM system?

Nobody wants to find out after a new acquisition that the budget would have been better invested elsewhere. Here you can learn whether a DAM would be a good idea for your team or not.

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