Integrate shop systems

Why your PIM needs a shop integration

Establish a seamless exchange between the 4ALLPORTAL and your online shop so that your data can be used even more easily on the web.

Shopsysteme in Digital Asset Management und Product Information Mangement integrieren Daten Export vom PIM in Shopsystem
Just one click

Benefits of a shop integration

  • Straight to the product page – Import your product photos from the DAM directly to your live product pages in Shopify and more.
  • SEO advantages – Secure the best rankings on Google by exporting search engine-friendly data directly to the shop.
  • Automatic format adjustment – Save time on manually editing and preparing your product photos.
  • Time saving & less errors – Reduce redundant work steps and avoid manual errors when uploading or updating products.
  • Rights & licence management – Ensure that only licensed and approved products and media are used in the shop.
Daten aus dem PIM ins Shopsystem ausspielen

Plug & Play

Importing data from the DAM into your CMS has never been easier. You can import entire collections directly into your backend via plug and play.

Faster publishing

Instead of having to manually prepare all of your image data in Photoshop in terms of format, resolution, and size, our intelligent interface does all of the work for you.

No more license violations

Our safety features ensure that only licensed and approved assets find their way into your CMS. This prevents costly infringements.

SEO advantages

Maintain all your SEO metadata, including image titles, alt tags, and descriptions, directly in the DAM using mass changes and transfer the data directly into the CMS.


4ALLPORTAL x E-Commerce

4ALLPORTAL supports the most common shop systems on the market as standard and regularly expands its product range.

Magento Logo
Shopify Integration
Shopware Integration
WooCommerce Logo
Oxid Logo

What our customers say about shop integration

Die Single Source of Truth vereinfacht die Kollaboration, spart Zeit, sichert aktuelle Daten, verbessert Transparenz, Effizienz und unterstützt mit granularer Suche und Freigabeworkflows.

Christoph Schlittenhardt
Content Marketer

Die Suche nach Dateien war schwierig, viele hochwertige Bilder blieben ungenutzt. Deshalb haben wir uns für 4ALLPORTAL als geeignete DAM-Software entschieden.

Oliver Kleine

Mit dem DAM-Tool von 4ALLPORTAL arbeiten wir effizienter, da alle Daten zentral abgelegt sind und jeder gemäß seiner Rolle Zugriff hat – modern und zeitgemäß.

Nadine Hackstein
Head of International Marketing and Sales Service

Wir haben 21 PIM-Module realisiert und Kernprozesse optimiert. Über 130.000 Assets, 400 Markenbilder und 4.500 Rezepte stehen produktbezogen jederzeit zur Verfügung.


Thomas Borkowski