Marketing and Sales Manager No more searching through folders! Find the stock photos, product images and graphics you need for your projects in seconds with personalised search filters. Then use the built-in file converter to download each file in the desired format or distribute it directly to your various sales channels in a channel-optimised manner. Explore all Solutions for Marketing & Sales Manager
Product Manager No more endless Excel spreadsheets and manual data consolidation! All products, including translations, datasheets and technical drawings, in one place. At the same time, you retain full control over the editing rights of your products, significantly reducing the risk of errors. Explore all Solutions for Product Manager
IT Managers and Developers Boost your IT performance and enable cross-departmental productivity without technical barriers! With our TÜV-certified servers, you can protect sensitive data from unauthorised access and avoid wasting time on manual processes. Smart automation, access control systems and built-in approval logic help you minimise compliance risks and create a secure foundation for collaboration. Whether hosted in the cloud or on-premises, our flexible infrastructure adapts to your needs and ensures maximum availability. Explore all Solutions for IT Managers and Developers
The integration of 4ALLPORATL into our programme planning saves us 30% time in managing image data and represents a quantum leap in our workflow.
We have implemented 21 PIM modules and optimised core processes. More than 130,000 assets, 400 brand images and 4,500 recipes are available at all times.
I really appreciate that we customized the Teekanne DAM metadata to fit our needs. This allows targeted searches by role and access rights—filters we lacked Group-wide before.
With 4ALLPORTAL we are well prepared for the future: The rights management for stock photos, own creations and partner photos is now optimally solved.
The single source of truth centralises everything, eliminating version concerns. Collaboration is easier and the search and approval process saves us hours every week.
Working with 4ALLPORTAL is smooth and the system is quick to use. Thanks to the intuitive interface, we save 50% of our time when searching for assets. A quick ROI!
The new uploader feature lets us seamlessly integrate content from our partner hubs into our system—a real game-changer for our collaboration.
We were looking for a fast DAM with Indesign integration and without user licences – and found it with 4ALLPORTAL. The personal contact and support are also convincing.