Optimize Omnichannel Marketing with PIM and PXM Software

customer experience

13 min

Written by Robin Schniedermann

Product Experience (PX): The Ultimate Guide

Product Experience (PX) is one of the most important pillars for companies today to retain customers in the long term and stand out from the competition. With a seamless PX, brands can not only delight their customers, but also significantly influence their purchasing behavior and brand loyalty.

This guide will help you develop a comprehensive understanding of PX, understand the differences to related concepts such as user experience (UX) and find out how you can optimize your PX – also with the help of tools such as 4ALLPORTAL.

Product Experience: (PX) Leitfaden für die Verbesserung der Produkterfahrung und Customer Journey
  • Product Experience (PX) encompasses every interaction a customer has with a product and spans the entire product life cycle.
  • PX differs from User Experience (UX), which focuses on the use of a product or service.
  • A PIM system is essential to ensure the consistency and quality of product information, which strongly influences PX.
  • Brands that provide strong and consistent product experiences improve customer satisfaction, promote trust and increase their repurchase rates.
  • Using a centralized tool like 4ALLPORTAL that integrates both PIM and DAM can make managing and optimizing the PX much easier.

Definition: What is Product Experience?

The product experience is much more than just the first impression of a product – it encompasses the entire journey a customer makes with the product. From the first perception, to the purchase decision, to the actual use, to post-purchase customer service – each of these touchpoints shapes the overall experience a customer has with a product.

Accordingly, the product experience is an essential part of the customer journey. It begins long before a customer physically holds the product in their hand. The buying experience is influenced by everything the customer learns about the product: Product information, marketing messages, reviews and even support.

The product experience therefore goes beyond what a product can technically do and focuses on the emotions it evokes in customers and how it enriches their customer journey.

Difference between Product Experience (PX) and User Experience (UX)

The two terms are often used interchangeably, but are different concepts.

  • User experience (UX) refers to the interactions that a customer has with the user interface of a product, be it a website, an app or a machine. It is about how easy and intuitive it is for the user to operate the product.
  • Product Experience (PX), on the other hand, goes further: it encompasses not only the interaction, but also the emotional and functional added value that the product brings to the customer. PX refers to the entire customer journey and all points of contact that the customer has with the product during the Product Life Cycle – from the first contact to the final decision to continue using or recommend the product.

While UX is an important component of PX, PX focuses on the overall image. Brand consistency, the quality of product information and emotionality play a key role here.

Product Experience vs. User Experience: Was ist der Unterschied?

What is Customer Experience?

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How a positive Product Experience promotes Brand Loyalty

A positive customer experience can not only significantly influence purchasing behavior, but also promote customer loyalty and turn buyers into loyal brand ambassadors.

Brands that offer consistent and engaging product experiences are more likely to retain customers in the long term. Research shows that customers are more willing to pay more for products if they feel that their needs are met and they experience a seamless customer journey.

The consequences of negative product experiences

In addition, a poor product experience often leads to negative reviews, a loss of trust and, in the worst case, a loss of customers. In today’s connected world, where customers share their opinions publicly, this can have serious consequences for a brand’s reputation.

Companies must therefore ensure that their PX is consistent across all channels and touchpoints – from the initial product information on the website to the support team that assists the customer after the purchase.

The influence of Product Information Management on the Product Experience

Product information is at the heart of every product experience. It forms the basis for the decisions that customers make and strongly influences how a product is perceived.

Incomplete or incorrect product information quickly leads to uncertainty, negative customer experiences and ultimately to abandoned purchases. This is exactly where Product Information Management (PIM) comes into play.

A PIM system ensures that all product data is managed centrally and provided consistently across all channels. This prevents customers from finding different or outdated information on different platforms.

The difference between PIM and Product Experience Management

While PIM focuses on the centralized management of product information, Product Experience Management (PXM) covers a broader area. PXM is responsible for ensuring that this product information is presented in an appealing and consistent way.

It’s not just about delivering the right data, but also about making it available at the right touchpoints and ensuring that it fits into the overall brand experience.

What kinds of product experience are there?

Product Experience can manifest itself in different ways. Some of the most common ways are:

  • Visual product experience: The visual presentation of a product, whether online or in-store, plays a key role in the customer’s decision. A well-designed product photo, appealing packaging design or clever visual staging can make all the difference.
  • Functional Product Experience: This refers to the actual use of the product and whether it meets the customer’s expectations. Does the product work as promised? Does it meet the customer’s needs?
  • Emotional product experience: The emotional reactions that a product triggers in a customer can be decisive. Products that evoke positive emotions have a higher chance of being successful in the long term. This can be achieved through clever advertising campaigns, storytelling and branding.
Welche Arten von Produkterfahrungen (Product Experience) gibt es?

Who is responsible for the product experience?

Responsibility for product experience does not lie with just one department, but is a cross-team task. Various departments play their part:

  • Product development: Responsible for the quality and functionality of the product.
  • Marketing: Responsible for the presentation and communication of product benefits.
  • Customer service: Has an important role in the post-purchase phase when it comes to providing support and solving problems.
  • Sales: Ensures that the right product information and brand messages are communicated.

Each department must ensure that its contributions are standardised and aligned with the brand values.

How to create and manage a compelling product experience

Creating an outstanding product experience is no coincidence. It requires a clear strategy and the use of tools and processes to ensure that all touchpoints are covered.

1. Content at all touchpoints

Consistent and relevant content at all touchpoints of the customer journey is crucial. Customers must have access to the right information at every stage of the buying process. Companies need to ensure that product information is consistent across websites, online shops, social media, email marketing and physical points of sale.

2. Measure and improve

Measuring the product experience is crucial in order to identify weaknesses and make continuous improvements. With the help of customer data, funnel analysis and customer feedback, companies can find out how good their product experiences are and in which areas they need to be optimised.

3. Get Customer Feedback

Customer feedback is one of the most valuable sources for improving the product experience. It provides insights into the actual experiences of customers and helps to recognise and rectify weaknesses at an early stage.

4. Improve brand consistency

The consistency of the brand experience is crucial to building trust and loyalty. All messages that a company sends should be consistent and aligned with the brand values. This not only strengthens customer trust, but also ensures a positive brand perception.

5. Personalisation through digital signage

Digital signage in physical retail spaces can help improve the product experience by providing personalised content and visual stimuli. This enables companies to interact with customers in a modern and engaging way and influence the customer experience in real time.

So verbesserst du die Product Experience mit 4ALLPORTAL

How to optimize your Product Experience with 4ALLPORTAL

4ALLPORTAL offers a comprehensive solution for managing and optimizing the product experience by integrating PIM (Product Information Management) and DAM (Digital Asset Management). With 4ALLPORTAL, you can manage your product information and digital assets centrally to ensure that all teams are always working with the latest and most consistent data.

This not only improves the consistency of the brand experience, but also helps you to respond more quickly to customer feedback and market changes.

With 4ALLPORTAL, you can optimize your product experience on all channels and ensure that your customers have the best possible experience at all times.


The product experience is an indispensable part of the modern corporate strategy and customer journey. Companies that offer a seamless and consistent user experience manage to inspire their customers, positively influence purchasing behavior and strengthen their market position in the long term.

The combination of a clear PIM strategy, the use of tools such as 4ALLPORTAL and the continuous analysis and improvement of the customer journey is the key to long-term success.

Robin Schniedermann

Account Executive

You don’t need products, you need long-term solutions. I will show you how to use the 4ALLPORTAL to solve your problems and achieve your goals.

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