Optimize Omnichannel Marketing with PIM and PXM Software

product data

17 min

How to optimize your Product Information in 7 Steps

In this article, you will learn how to create perfect product information in seven steps that will not only convince your target group, but also increase your conversion rate and reduce returns. You will learn why PIM systems are essential for retailers and webshops and how you can continuously improve your data to stay relevant and competitive.

Was sind Produktinformationen und warum sind sie so wichtig für den Erfolg im E-Commerce? / How to use Product Information to influence your customer's buying decision?


Good product information is the key to success in e-commerce. Shoppers rely on these details to make purchasing decisions as they cannot physically hold the products in their hands. An error or gap in the data provided can cause a potential buyer to abandon or abandon the purchase. Or worse still, buy an unsuitable product and return it later.

In an age where the competition is just a click away, accurate and well-presented information can make the difference between success and failure.

Key Takeaways

  • Perfect article information is crucial for online success.
  • Target group-specific details increase the conversion rate.
  • Regelmäßige Updates und mobile Optimierung sind unerlässlich.
  • Regular updates and mobile optimization are essential.
Korrekte Produktinformationen und Artikelbeschreibungen steigern den Umsatz und reduzieren die Retourenquote

The importance of correct product information in e-commerce

In e-commerce, the right item details are the backbone of your online business. Since consumers cannot physically see or touch the goods, detailed and precise information is crucial. This helps prospective customers to better understand the items and make an informed purchase decision.

Incorrect or inadequately presented information can not only lead to a high return rate, but also undermine buyers’ trust in your company. This information must be available in order to provide potential customers with comprehensive information.

Every piece of information that the prospective customer needs to decide whether the offer meets their requirements should be clearly displayed on the product detail page. The information should not only be complete, but also presented in an appealing way so that the visitor feels they are making the right choice.

What influence does the product life cycle have on your product information?

The product life cycle has a significant influence on the type and scope of product information communicated in the various phases. During the market launch phase, precise and appealing product descriptions, detailed specifications and convincing arguments for the product are crucial for arousing the interest of potential customers and building trust.

In the growth phase, the focus is often placed on expanding this information in order to reach new target groups and emphasize specific advantages or areas of application of the product.

In the maturity phase, when the market is saturated, product information needs to be updated and possibly adapted in order to continue to differentiate the product from the competition. This is where consistent communication across all channels plays a major role in consolidating the market position and maintaining customer trust.

In the saturation and decline phase, targeted information about special promotions, product variants or future successors can help to extend the life cycle or plan an orderly withdrawal from the market.

PIM software supports companies in all these phases by making it possible to manage product data centrally and adapt it quickly to changing market conditions and customer needs. In this way, the product always remains relevant and competitive, regardless of which phase of the life cycle it is in.

The role of PIM software in e-commerce

PIM systems (Product Information Management) are indispensable for e-commerce companies and retailers in order to maintain an overview of extensive and complex product information. A PIM system makes it possible to centrally manage and maintain all relevant data and make it available consistently on various sales channels. This not only leads to greater efficiency, but also to improved quality and compliance with applicable standards.

For companies that need to manage thousands of items, a PIM system is crucial to minimize errors and reduce time to market. It helps to present information consistently and ensure that all details are always up to date. This is particularly important to meet legal requirements, such as labeling and marking.

In addition, a PIM system helps to adapt item information for different target groups and markets without losing consistency. Another advantage is the ability to create detailed specifications and descriptions tailored to the specific needs of the target audience. In short, PIM software is the key to successful management and optimization in a highly competitive e-commerce environment.

Step 1: Definition: What are product information?

Product information includes all the data and details that a buyer needs to know about the product in order to make an informed purchase decision. It includes not only basic information such as the name and price, but also detailed specifications, instructions for use, labeling, warnings and much more.

Such information must be provided in order to meet the expectations of prospective buyers, to be helpful and to inform them about the features and benefits of the items. Without these important details, the buyer would not be able to understand the offer and decide whether it meets their needs.

What is meant by product information?

Product information refers to all the data and details that describe a product. This includes technical specifications, instructions for use, ingredients, dimensions, weight and much more. This data should be detailed and accurate in order to give buyers a clear picture of the item.

The most important product details include:

  • Product name: The name should be clear and understandable.
  • Price: The price must be clearly visible and correctly stated.
  • Technical specifications: These include details such as dimensions, weight, material, performance and other technical data.
  • Instructions for use: Clear instructions for use, including warnings.
  • Labeling and marking: All legal requirements for labeling should be met.
  • Product description: A clear description that highlights the key aspects.

Important elements of product information

These elements should be clearly presented and easily accessible on the product detail page. The uniform presentation of this data helps the prospective customer to better understand the offer and make an informed purchase decision.

Korrekte Produktinformationen sind ein Erfolgsfaktor im E-Commerce, weil sie massiv die Conversion-Rate und das Kundenerlebnis beeinflussen

Step 2: The right information for your target group

The right information at the right time – that is the key to successful product descriptions. Not every piece of information is relevant for every target group. It is important to know the specific needs and expectations of your target group in order to inform and address them correctly.

Target group analysis: Who are your customers?

Before you create your product information, it’s important to understand who your customers are. Are they technical buyers who appreciate detailed specifications or lifestyle buyers who are more interested in the aesthetic presentation? Target group analysis helps you to provide the right information and tailor your presentation to the needs of the target group.

Which information is relevant for which target group?

Depending on the target group, different aspects of the product may be important. For example, technical buyers are more interested in detailed specifications, while others are more interested in an appealing presentation and use. It is important that you provide the information that is most relevant to your specific target group.

The relevant details must be present to fully inform the visitor, but they should also be presented in such a way that they attract the attention of the target group and fulfill their needs. Certain target groups, such as technical buyers, attach great importance to precise specifications, while others may be more interested in the aesthetic and practical aspects of the product.

Step 3: Creating the item description

A good item description can make the difference between a purchase and an abandonment. It must be clear, precise and appealing in order to convince the buyer. An effective description should contain all the important information about the item and offer the prospective buyer clear added value.

Elements of a successful item description

A successful item description should contain the following elements:

  • Product benefits: Explain to the buyer what benefits the item offers and how it can solve their problems.
  • Detailed specifications: These should be presented clearly and understandably so that the prospective buyer knows what to expect.
  • Application and use: Describe how the item is used and what specific applications it offers.
  • Special features: Highlight any special features or functions that set the item apart from the competition.

The description should encourage the prospect to buy the item by showing them how it can fulfill their needs. Make sure that the description is consistent and contains all essential information.

Mistakes you should avoid

There are some common mistakes you should avoid when creating an item description:

  • Too little information: An inadequate description can confuse the buyer and cause them to decide against the purchase.
  • Unclear language: Avoid being too technical or too vague. The language should be clear and easy for the prospect to understand.
  • Inconsistency: Make sure that all information is presented consistently and uniformly.

Avoid overwhelming the buyer by giving them too much or unnecessary detail. Focus on the essentials and make sure that the information is clear and easily accessible. When the prospective buyer clicks on a piece of information, it should help them immediately and not lead to confusion.

Besonders im Lebensmittelbereich sind korrekte Produktinformationen eine Pflicht für Retailer und Webshops

Step 4: The use of product information on your website

Product information must not only be available, but also optimally placed on your website. The way in which you present this data can have a major influence on whether a visitor makes a purchase or not.

Where should product information be placed on the website?

The product detail page is the most important place where all relevant information must appear. This is where visitors expect to find all the details about the offer. The information should be clear and appealing in order to inform interested parties and encourage them to buy.

A clear and logical arrangement of information is crucial. Use paragraphs to structure the data and ensure that the prospect can quickly find what they are looking for. The most important details should be visible at first glance so that the visitor does not have to search for long.

The Role of SEO in Product Information for E-commerce

SEO-optimized information helps your online store to appear better in search engines and potentially generate more traffic. Adhering to SEO principles when presenting your product data is an important aspect. Make sure you use relevant keywords in the texts and design the texts in such a way that they are appealing to both search engines and users.

The loading time of the page also plays an important role. Make sure that your product detail page loads quickly and that all content, including images and descriptions, is available immediately. A slow website can lead to the prospective customer leaving the page before they have even seen all the information.

Step 5: Present Product Groups and Similar Articles

Related products and product groups can significantly increase sales. If visitors see similar or complementary items that match the product they are currently viewing, they are more likely to make additional purchases.

What are product groups and why are they important?

Product groups offer prospective customers the opportunity to see related items directly, which can increase the likelihood of purchase. A uniformly displayed selection of similar items can help to provide the buyer with more options and make the decision easier. Product groups can also help to ensure that visitors stay on the website longer and open more products that interest them. This increases the chances of cross-selling and upselling and helps to increase the average order value.

How to present similar products in the best possible way

The placement and display of similar items should be strategic. Make sure that these items are clearly visible on the product detail page so that the prospective buyer can easily find them. A clear and appealing presentation can encourage the buyer to consume more items.

It is also important that information about similar items is presented consistently and clearly. Make sure that the information about each offer is complete and accurate so that the visitor can make an informed decision. The presentation should be designed to help the prospect recognize the benefits of the additional products.

Omnichannel-Einzelhandel und Retail Shopping nahtlos verknüpft über mobile Apps

Step 6: Optimization for mobile devices

A mobile-friendly presentation of your product information is essential today. More and more visitors are accessing websites from mobile devices, and it is important that information is easy to read and accessible on smaller screens.

The importance of mobile optimization

With more and more shoppers accessing websites on mobile, it’s important that the display is consistent and clear on mobile devices. Make sure that the information is easy to read even on smaller screens and that the visitor does not have to zoom or scroll to see the most important details.

Tips for optimizing product information for mobile devices

Verwende ein Layout, das für mobile Geräte optimiert ist, und sorge dafür, dass alle wesentlichen Informationen mit wenigen Klicks erreichbar sind. Achte darauf, dass Bilder und Texte schnell geladen werden und dass die Seite auf allen Geräten gut funktioniert.

Eine einfache Navigation und klare Call-to-Actions sind ebenfalls wichtig.

Der Käufer sollte in der Lage sein, die gewünschten Details schnell zu finden und den Kaufprozess ohne Hindernisse abzuschließen. Wenn der Interessent Schwierigkeiten hat, die Informationen zu finden, die er benötigt, könnte er die Seite verlassen und bei einem Mitbewerber kaufen.

The buyer should be able to find the desired details quickly and complete the purchase process without any obstacles. If the prospect has difficulty finding the information they need, they might leave the site and buy from a competitor.

Step 7: Continuous improvement and updating

Product data is never “finished”. Regular updates and optimizations are necessary to remain relevant and ensure that the information is always correct and up-to-date.

Why regular updates are important

Product information must be updated on an ongoing basis to ensure quality and relevance. This is particularly important for products that are subject to frequent changes, such as technical specifications. Legal changes, such as new labeling regulations or warnings, must also be regularly incorporated into the information.

Tools and methods for optimization

Use PIM systems and other tools to control and improve the quality of your product data. Regular reviews and adjustments are crucial aspects for long-term success. A good PIM system can help you to manage all information centrally and ensure that it is presented consistently across all platforms and markets.

It is also important to regularly check the performance of your product data. Analyze which details are clicked on most often and what questions prospects have. This data can help you to further optimize the information and ensure that it meets the needs of buyers.


Perfect article information requires planning, continuous optimization and a target group-oriented approach. If you follow the seven steps described above and pay attention to a consistent and detailed presentation, you are well on the way to perfecting your information and thus increasing the success of your company.

This data must be available in order to meet buyers’ expectations and provide them with comprehensive information. With the right tools and methods, you can ensure that your data is always up to date and that prospective buyers receive exactly the information they need.


The most important elements include the name, price, technical specifications, instructions for use, labeling and a clear product description. These should be presented uniformly and clearly on the product detail page.

Item information should be reviewed and updated regularly, especially when specifications or legal requirements change. Regular updates are necessary to ensure the quality and relevance of the data.

Avoid providing incomplete or inconsistent data and make sure that the information is clear and easy to understand. Too little information or unclear language can confuse the buyer and cause them to decide against a purchase.