product data

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8 min

Written by Dominic Vieregge

6 Ways DAM Software and PIM Tools Benefit Each Other

Digital Asset Management (DAM) software and Product Information Management (PIM) tools are essential elements of any digital marketing strategy. These two can help you efficiently achieve your business goals. They are also used to manage and organize your digital assets. But how do these tools work together? And what are the benefits of using them in combination? In this blog post, we’ll discuss how they complement each other.

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What is a pim system?

A PIM system is a database that stores information about business, including contacts, projects, tasks, and schedules. It can give you an overview of every project stage— large or small.

The most important thing about a PIM system is that it combines all of your data in one place. This feature allows you to view everything from one screen—which helps minimize errors, increase productivity, and get things done on time more efficiently.

What is a dam system?

A DAM system is a framework that allows you to manage all of your web assets in one place. It can help with:

  • finding the right image for your project or campaign quickly
  • managing large libraries of images
  • organizing photos by type or tags, and much more.

As such, a growing desire for digital assets is evident—with a recent study by KPMG valuing it at a $1 trillion market capitalization. What’s more, a study revealed that companies that use DAM software have 65% greater operational efficiency, 46% better brand management, and 45% higher marketing ROI.

How DAM Software and PIM Tools Work Together

DAM and PIM are two of the most commonly used types of software in today’s digital world. Both have their place and serve a distinct purpose, but they also have some overlaps. That makes them both better at what they do when they work together.

When you use DAM and PIM tools together, it’s like the difference between using a microwave versus an oven. One is fast but limited in what it can cook; the other takes longer and has more options but doesn’t offer any convenience. The best approach is to combine them to get speed and flexibility.

Even though many people think DAM and PIM are the same, they aren’t. While they can overlap at times, their core functions are very different.

Save time with a DAM and PIM
Manage Assets from different departments

1. Manage Assets From Different Departments

DAM doesn’t have great features for searching and retrieving information like PIM. Its primary purpose is to house digital assets securely in the cloud—and make them accessible to anyone with access rights.

Because of this limitation, many people use DAM software alongside PIM tools to get the best of both worlds—easy searching capabilities plus, secure cloud storage space for managing assets from different departments!

2. Match the Right Content With the Right Prospects

Integrating a DAM with a PIM system can be as valuable as using HubSpot Marketing for your digital strategy. It allows you to easily link products with specific imagery or video to target customers—with personalized content or product ads based on past purchases or search history.

For example, a customer is looking for a specific item on your website or an app. You can use the DAM to identify which images or videos to show them. On the other hand, PIM systems can help you store, manage and track your content so that you don’t have to worry about a customer seeing outdated or irrelevant content.

Using your DAM and PIM systems together allows you to create more targeted marketing campaigns. This approach can help you better connect with your target audience—and improve conversion rates and marketing ROI.

3. Create a Single Source of Truth Across Departments

Syncing DAM and PIM data is the fastest way to create a single source of truth. This is especially true if your DAM tool has a solid built-in PIM component. There are many reasons why syncing is so helpful:

  • It eliminates error-prone manual data entry that can lead to either missing or duplicate metadata.
  • It frees staff time on repetitive tasks that aren’t directly related to their core responsibilities.
  • When new files are uploaded or edited, it saves time re-entering data into multiple systems.
  • It makes it easy for different teams within an organization to collaborate on projects.

Do I need a PIM system?

In which cases does the introduction of a PIM system pay off? In our white paper, you can read about the specific areas in which your company can benefit from a Product Information Management system.

4. Share Large Libraries of Digital Marketing Assets

When you use DAM software alongside PIM tools, everyone involved has a clear record of what has been shared and when. This setup makes it easier for everyone involved to work together more efficiently than ever before. It also helps you avoid situations where you end up with multiple versions of the same asset or where one team member has modified an asset without telling anyone else. 

DAM software is an essential tool for any business that relies on digital marketing. By using it, you can make better use of your existing assets, cut down on wasted time and effort, and increase the effectiveness of your campaigns.

And combined with PIM’s organizational features, it’s a powerful tool for managing your entire digital marketing strategy.

5. Meet the Need for Efficiency in Media Production

Making the most of your time and resources is imperative, especially when working on large productions with tight deadlines. 

One way to accomplish this is by using a DAM system that can help streamline your workflow and improve efficiency. Like the best workflow management software, you’ll want an easy-to-use interface that allows you to view files from any device and add information about your assets—without waiting for IT support or consulting with colleagues.

A PIM will also help balance the time spent on organization and searching, so you can focus on other aspects of your work. With an integrated PIM and DAM system, you’ll be able to manage all of your assets easily—and quickly find what you need when it’s needed most.

Save time and resources
Work more efficiently in a team to bring products to market faster

6. Address Shorter Product Life Cycles

The faster products are developed, the more often they’re updated. Rapid iteration cycles mean more frequent updates and more frequent releases to customers.

Companies can address the shortening of product life cycles by quickly developing while maintaining quality. This requires an agile approach to development that focuses on speed and flexibility over perfectionism.

With DAM and PIM, your organization can develop and deliver products faster than ever while maintaining quality.

7. Cater to a Growing Variety of Customer-Facing Channels

In today’s market, your customers are using a variety of different channels to interact with your brand. They’re using social media as well as traditional websites and apps to get information about products and services. In addition, they expect their experiences across all these different channels to be consistent.

To meet the growing customer expectation to interact with you in any channel, you’ll need to invest in technology that allows for easy integration and standardization across all channels. This means that you need to have a centralized system for managing your customers’ information and interactions. The more streamlined and consistent your customer experience is across channels, the less likely they are to abandon you for another brand.
As such, DAM’s ability to provide a single customer view across all channels is a key component of providing a consistent and compelling customer experience. Couple it with PIM’s ability to manage cross-channel product information, and you’ve got a powerful combination that can help your company deliver an exceptional customer experience.

8. Adopt Globalization and the International Marketplace

The global marketplace is expanding, and with a need to communicate in more than one language. It’s no longer a “nice to have” feature but rather a requirement for success in the international marketplace.

DAM tools provide a wide range of options for multilingual support, including translation management and metadata translation into multiple languages. This can be helpful for identifying items that could be translated when adding metadata translations later on down the line. And with PIM tools, you can keep track of the translations and ensure that they’re consistent across all languages. 

9. Adhere to Heightened Security Requirements

DAM software integrated with PIM tools can help mitigate risk when employees share content across multiple systems. 

DAM software can be configured to enforce security policies and limit access to specific content. This could include setting up user permissions so that only certain people have access to certain data—or restricting users from copying files or downloading them into their personal devices.

On the other hand, PIM tools can help you track how users are accessing your content. This is especially important in a legal setting where confidentiality agreements might be in place with clients or customers.

DAM und PIM softwares to boost your digital strategy

Boost Your Digital Strategy With DAM Software and PIM Tools

Digital assets are digital representations of value that have emerged in recent years. With DAM software and PIM tools, you can ensure that your business has the right assets for marketing, sales, analytics, and more. By getting both, you’ll easily keep track of everything, from files to contacts.

This will help you boost your digital strategy to the next level. With a solution that centralizes your assets in one place, you can ensure that everyone has quick access to what they need. You’ll also reduce the time needed to find content and increase productivity by making it easy for users to collaborate on projects.

A unified solution with DAM and PIM can help your business become more efficient and productive. It’ll give you the tools you need to streamline processes, improve collaboration and communication, and ultimately achieve better results.

Dominic Vieregge

Director Service Operations

The 4ALLPORTAL is a true powerhouse that eases the daily workload for your employees. Let me show you how to unleash this potential in your own business.

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