product media

4 min

Written by Claudia Pavković


Which solution is recommended for companies? 

The term “image database software” is broad in scope. The spectrum ranges from simple (freeware) offers for private users and systems for photographers to professional corporate solutions with a wide range of functions. This article compares the various categories to help you find your way around in this complex environment and find the right type of image database software for your needs. 

Table of Contents

What is image database software? 

When defining the term “image database software,” a brief look at its history is helpful. When photography originated more than 150 years ago, photographs had to be archived and cataloged. For many years this was done using index card systems in which the image sought could be found via an index. Once identified, the image was retrieved from the archive. 

Digital photography first became established in the 1990s. With it came the creation of image database software that significantly simplified the management of photos. Image databases continue to be used for the structured storage and management of digital images, including associated metadata such as the date taken, resolution, or camera. The corresponding software is focused on the rapid retrieval of files using powerful search functions. Some solutions also offer features for editing and viewing the image data. 

Who needs image database software? 

Digital photography has led to an enormous increase in data volumes. This in turn has increased the need for solutions that allow users to store and sort files in a structured way. In addition to private users, this particularly applies to photographers and service providers in creative fields. In addition, companies operating in all industries today often manage thousands of images, photos, logos, graphics, and drawings. All in all, there are three target groups for image database software: 

  • Private users 
  • Small companies or individual entrepreneurs such as photographers 
  • Mid-sized and large companies and their relevant departments (e.g. marketing, communication, sales, and product management) 

In the following we point out which image database system is most suitable for these groups. 

Simple image database software for private use 

Private users and hobby photographers have several ways to manage their images. The simplest solution is the standard file system of operating systems like Microsoft Windows. Systems developed specifically for image management in the consumer sector offer a few more functions. There are two types of software: locally installable solutions and cloud software. Some of the programs are available (in their basic version) free of charge. Besides structured filing and administration, the tools often have display and editing functions. In some cases, features such as geo-tagging, automatic grouping and face recognition are also available. However, some professional options are lacking – such as management of image rights and convenient indexing. 

Image database software for individual companies and photographers 

This is where the professional range of systems for managing file formats such as JPG, TIF, RAW, PSD, and PNG begins. Image databases for small agencies and photographers usually contain functions such as indexing, full text search, rights management and where-used lists. In some cases, cross-company collaboration is also supported. This requires a user administration system including corresponding access rights and approvals. 

A wide variety of image database software is available. These range from simple open source tools to expensive solutions requiring special expertise. There are also some systems specifically designed for photographers (e.g. Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Bridge). Both cloud and on-premise versions are available. They do have one thing in common: Most solutions have a strong focus on images. Other types of media files are rarely supported. This makes these systems suitable mainly for entrepreneurs who work primarily with images. 

Professional image database software for companies 

Even companies not particularly active in the field of photography and graphics now have to manage large quantities of digital images. These include product images, technical drawings, logos, general image and PR photos, and graphics. But these are by far not the only digital files that need to be managed. There are also videos, texts, presentations, audio files, InDesign documents, and other materials. The aim is to manage all these formats within one central solution. Only digital asset management software (DAM software) can do this. 

To sum up: When we refer to professional image database software for companies, we are typically talking about digital asset management (DAM). 

Every DAM system contains an image database, but the range of functions clearly goes beyond merely organizing and archiving images. Particularly noteworthy, for example, are the extensive metadata and version management options. Preview functions with media playback eliminate the need to open individual files. In addition, there are a number of automations – such as for imports or for format and quality conversion. Usage rights and approval processes for assets can naturally also be mapped to prevent the incorrect use of files. 

Last but not least, professional DAM software also has options for sharing assets. Companies can grant external partners such as agencies or photographers access to certain content to facilitate data exchange. In some cases, there is even an integrated task management function that allows a form of cross-company project management to be displayed in the DAM system. 

Conclusion: DAM is the professional image database software for companies 

In sum, one thing is certain: If you are looking for a professional image database software for your company and want to manage all your digital assets centrally, DAM systems are a must. By implementing DAM, you achieve not only extremely powerful image management including powerful search functions but also gain a significantly larger range of functions including workflows, automations, and collaboration functions. In addition, DAM software often permits media-neutral storage of digital assets. This enables you to output files via various communication channels (websites, shops, platforms, catalogs, etc.) without having to make any adjustments beforehand. These features result in significant process optimizations and cost savings. 

Would you like to delve more deeply into the subject? If so, we recommend our detailed whitepaper entitled “Costs and savings potential in image management.” 

Claudia Pavković

Marketing Development Representative

I always have an open ear for you. My goal is to listen to you and discuss suitable solutions together with my experience.

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