Optimize Omnichannel Marketing with PIM and PXM Software

product data

14 min

Written by Sarah Beeke Joachim

GS1: The role of global standards in the global supply chain

GS1 is an important player in the standardisation of the global supply chain. The Global Standards play a particularly important role in the food and pharmaceutical industries by creating a standardised language for data exchange.

This article gives you an overview of the importance of GS1 standards and their applications in various industries.

GS1-Standards für globale Lieferkettentransparenz und Effizienz

Table of Contents

What are GS1 standards?

The history of GS1

GS1 was founded in 1974 to improve the efficiency of the global supply chain. The first scanning of a barcode in a supermarket in June 1974 marked the beginning of a new era in logistics and retail. Since then, GS1 standards have become established worldwide and have become an integral part of many industries.

The importance of GS1 standards

GS1 standards offer numerous advantages. They improve efficiency in the supply chain, ensure higher data quality and support the traceability of products. These standards have become indispensable, particularly in retail, distribution and healthcare.

Vorteile der GS1-Global Standards in Einzelhandel, Gesundheitswesen und Logistik

Why are global standards so important in the product data workflow?

GS1 is important for several reasons and plays a crucial role for various companies and industries. GS1 develops and maintains global standards for the identification and exchange of product data.

This is particularly important for:

  • Retail company
  • manufacturers
  • suppliers
  • Logistics companies

Advantages of GS1 for companies

  • Increased efficiency: By using GS1 standards such as the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) in the EAN barcode, companies can automate and optimise processes such as checkout procedures, warehouse management and logistics.
  • Global acceptance: GS1 numbers are accepted worldwide and facilitate co-operation between internationally active companies.
  • Product identification: The EAN barcode, which can be found on almost all retail products, is based on GS1 standards and enables the unique identification of products.
  • E-Commerce: For online retailers, especially on platforms such as Amazon, GS1 standards such as EAN codes are essential for the storage and organisation of goods.
  • Cross-industry application: Although retail is a main area of application, other industries also use GS1 standards, such as:

    – Manufacturers of medical products (for Unique Device Identification)
    – Book trade (ISBN numbers are part of the GTIN system)
    – Food industry
    – Pharmaceutical industry
  • Data exchange: GS1 enables the standardised exchange of product data between manufacturers and retailers, which is particularly important for companies that work with large retail chains.
  • Traceability: The unique identification of products through GS1 standards improves traceability in the supply chain, which is important for quality assurance and product safety.
Rückverfolgbarkeit und Transparenz mit GS1-Daten

The various GS1 standards

GS1 Barcodes

Barcodes are a central component of GS1 standards. They enable fast and error-free recording of product data. There are different types of barcodes, such as the EAN barcode and the data matrix barcode, each of which has specific applications.

GTIN (Global Trade Item Number)

The GTIN is a unique identification number for products. It helps to uniquely identify and track products worldwide. The GTIN differs from other article numbers in that it can be used globally.

ECR (Efficient Consumer Response)

ECR stands for Efficient Consumer Response and aims to improve cooperation between retail and industry. The ECR tag is a tool that helps companies to optimise their processes and respond better to consumer needs.

Rückverfolgbarkeit und Transparenz mit GS1-Daten

GS1 in Germany

Applications of GS1 standards in Germany

In retail, GS1 standards ensure improved efficiency and a better customer experience. Products can be scanned faster and more reliably, which simplifies the purchasing process.

In the healthcare sector, the standards contribute to the safety and traceability of medicines, which ultimately increases patient safety.

GS1 Germany GmbH has several important tasks focussing on the development and implementation of standards for trade and industry. The most important tasks are summarised here:

  • Development and maintenance of standards:
    GS1 Germany is responsible for the continuous maintenance and further development of 24 Global Standards in 25 sectors, which serve as a universal language for efficient and secure business processes.
  • Provision of identification keys:
    The company provides GS1 identification keys, the best known of which is the EAN barcode, which is scanned around 10 billion times a day worldwide.
  • Promotion of innovation:
    With the establishment of the “butterfly & elephant” accelerator, GS1 Germany is supporting up-and-coming companies in realising their potential by using or promoting GS1 standards.
  • Consultancy and services:
    GS1 Germany offers consulting, services and training to support companies in implementing and utilising the standards.
  • Cross-industry co-operation:
    As a neutral platform, GS1 Germany promotes the exchange and cooperation of companies from 25 sectors in order to jointly develop solutions for efficient goods and data flows.
Unternehmen nutzen 1WorldSync und Atrify zur Verwaltung von GS1-Daten

The link between GS1 and 1WorldSync

1WorldSync is a leading provider of omnichannel product content solutions and is closely associated with GS1. As part of the global GS1 network, 1WorldSync helps companies share accurate and trusted product data across the supply chain.

The platform enables companies to consistently manage and distribute product information globally, improving data quality and ensuring compliance with GS1 standards.

By using 1WorldSync, companies can improve data quality and increase efficiency in the global supply chain by ensuring that all partners have access to consistent and up-to-date product information.

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The takeover of atrify GmbH by 1WorldSync

On 9 May 2023, 1WorldSync announced the acquisition of atrify GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of GS1 Germany. The acquisition brings together two of the world’s leading providers of product content management and syndication.

Together they manage more than 60% of the product data registered in the GDSN (Global Data Synchronisation Network) worldwide, making the new company the global market leader in this field.

PIM software and the global distribution of GS1 data

PIM (Product Information Management) software can play a crucial role in consistent storage and product content syndication. By centralising the management of product data, PIM software ensures that all information is complete, accurate and up-to-date.

This also facilitates compliance with GS1 standards and improves data quality along the entire supply chain. At the same time, PIM systems enable you to distribute all product information to business partners and customers worldwide in a targeted manner, which increases transparency and traceability.

Thanks to this improvement in data quality, you not only benefit from a shorter time-to-market and lower costs, but also a significant reduction in the general susceptibility to errors. This in turn is often reflected in a lower returns rate and reduced process costs.


The big advantage of GS1 data storage in the PIM is that you get a better overall view of your product data aia interfaces.

At the same time, you get one step closer to your “golden record” in the PIM, i.e. your complete and correct product data set. You can find out exactly how the integration of GS1 data can work in the 4ALLPORTAL on our 1WorldSync Connector page or in the success story with Teekanne.

PIM-Software unterstützt die Verteilung von GS1-Daten weltweit


The implementation of GS1 standards offers international companies numerous advantages, from increased efficiency to improved data quality. GS1 Germany GmbH supports companies in Germany in successfully utilising these standards.

With the right understanding and implementation of GS1 standards, companies can increase their efficiency and achieve competitive advantages. With the right understanding and implementation of GS1 standards, international companies can increase their efficiency and achieve competitive advantages.


What are GS1 standards and why are they important?

GS1 standards are global standards for identifying, recording and sharing information about products, locations and more. They are important because they improve efficiency and accuracy in the supply chain and enable the traceability of products.

How can my company be supported by GS1 Germany?

GS1 Germany offers a variety of services, training and consulting to help companies implement and utilise GS1 standards. This help can increase the efficiency and competitiveness of your company.

What is the difference between a barcode and a GTIN?

A barcode is a visual code that contains information about a product and can be read by a machine. A GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) is a unique identification number that is encoded in barcodes and is used worldwide for product labelling.

How are GS1 standards applied in the healthcare sector?

In the healthcare sector, GS1 standards contribute to the safety and traceability of medicines and medical devices. They enable precise tracking of products from the manufacturer to the patient and help to avoid errors and counterfeiting.