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Written by Dominic Vieregge

What is Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)?

A comprehensive guide to PLM-Systems

In an increasingly complex business world, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is crucial to efficiently manage products from idea to market launch. Learn how PLM systems can help your company reduce costs, improve product quality and stay competitive.

Key Takeaways

  • Product Lifecycle Management integrates and manages the entire lifecycle of a product, from the idea to the market launch.
  • These systems provide a central data source for all departments and improve collaboration.
  • Companies can optimize development processes and accelerate market launch.
  • Product life cycle management helps to reduce costs and increase the quality and competitiveness of products.
  • Successful implementation requires careful planning and integration into existing systems.


In today’s dynamic business world, the ability to develop, produce and manage products efficiently plays a central role. This is exactly where Product Lifecycle Management comes into play. But what exactly is PLM? And why is it so important for companies?

In this guide, we will look at all aspects of PLM and show how it helps companies to optimize their processes, improve product quality and ultimately reduce costs. We will explain how such systems work, what benefits they offer and how you can successfully implement them in your company.

Definition: What is Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)?

Product Lifecycle Management, or PLM for short, is a holistic strategy that helps companies to manage the entire lifecycle of a product – from the initial idea through development, production and market launch to retirement. It provides a central data source with up-to-date information that is accessible to everyone involved.

The concept differs from other management systems such as product data management (PDM), which focuses primarily on the management of design and product data.

However, many do not realize that PLM goes much further: it integrates all processes and data across the entire lifecycle of a product, facilitating collaboration between departments and supply chains. It accompanies a product through all its phases, providing a single source of truth that enables decisions to be made on the basis of up-to-date and accurate data.

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The Importance of PLM in today’s Business World

At a time when the competition never sleeps and customers are becoming ever more demanding, it is crucial for companies to develop products quickly and efficiently and bring them to market. This is precisely where PLM shows its strengths. These systems offer companies the opportunity to streamline development processes, manage product data centrally and thus ensure the quality of products.

An important aspect is the support of advanced workflow management, which enables developers and designers to work together efficiently and increase the performance of development and design teams. A PLM system also enables companies to gain insight into product performance and make continuous improvements.

Finally, PLM also helps to reduce costs and enables companies to remain competitive.

The Phases of the Product Lifecycle and PLM

Every product goes through different phases during its existence – from the initial idea to market launch, growth, maturity and finally decline. PLM plays a crucial role in each of these phases by ensuring that all processes run optimally and that the product is brought to market faster.

1. Development

  • Research and Idea Generation: Focus on brainstorming, market research, and concept testing.
  • Prototyping: Creation and refinement of product prototypes or models.
  • Cost Assessment: Estimation of production, marketing, and operational costs.
  • Testing: Beta testing and product validation through feedback and adjustments.

2. Introduction

  • Product Launch: Initial introduction to the market, often with limited availability.
  • High Marketing Costs: Focus on awareness and education about the product to attract early adopters.
  • Low Sales Volume: Limited sales as the product gains traction; profitability may be negative.
  • Distribution Setup: Establishing partnerships and supply chains to bring the product to market.

3. Growth

  • Increasing Sales: Rapid increase in customer adoption and product demand.
  • Market Expansion: Targeting new customer segments and expanding distribution channels.
  • Rising Competition: Competitors enter the market, often introducing similar products.
  • Profitability Increases: Revenues grow significantly as production costs decrease through economies of scale.

4. Maturity

  • Market Saturation: The product reaches its peak in terms of market penetration.
  • Slower Growth: Sales growth slows, but the product still generates steady profits.
  • Cost Efficiency: Focus shifts to cost-cutting, process optimization, and maintaining market share.
  • Product Differentiation: Increased emphasis on distinguishing the product through features, pricing, or customer experience.

5. Saturation

  • Maximum Market Penetration: Most potential customers have been reached; growth becomes stagnant.
  • Intense Competition: Price wars and competitive promotions are common as businesses fight for remaining market share.
  • Sales Plateau: Sales level off or decline slightly as new customer acquisition becomes difficult.
  • Innovation Pressure: Companies may introduce new features or versions to reignite interest.

6. Decline

  • Decreasing Sales: Demand for the product decreases as customers move to newer alternatives.
  • Profit Erosion: Profit margins shrink due to declining sales and increased discounting.
  • Market Exit: Companies may reduce investment, withdraw the product, or reallocate resources to other ventures.
  • Product Phase-out: Discontinuation plans are made as the product nears the end of its life cycle.

The Role of PLM in Product Development

Product development is one of the most critical phases in the life cycle of a product. This is where the foundations for later success are laid. PLM supports the development of new products by seamlessly integrating processes and data. It enables developers and designers to work together efficiently, share data and quickly turn innovative ideas into reality.

PLM systems offer a central platform on which all relevant product information is stored. This ensures that everyone involved is always up to date and that decisions can be made on the basis of the latest data.

This optimizes the performance of development and design teams, which in turn leads to a faster time to market and a higher quality end product.

PLM-Software and its advantages

A PLM system is a software solution that integrates and manages all processes and data relating to the Product Life Cycle. These systems offer a variety of functions that support companies in optimizing their product development, production and administration.

Reasons for introducing a Product Lifecycle Management

There are many reasons for implementation, especially improving the efficiency and quality of products. A PLM system enables companies to implement innovations faster and more effectively by providing a single source of truth.

This means that all data and information is stored and managed centrally, which makes collaboration between departments and with external partners much easier. This is another feature that it has in common with PIM systems.

Another reason for introducing PLM software is to increase the company’s competitiveness. By optimizing processes and improving product quality, companies can bring their products to market faster and thus gain a decisive advantage over the competition.

At the same time, they offer the opportunity to reduce costs by eliminating inefficient processes and optimizing the use of resources.

PLM Software: What options are there?

There are a variety of PLM software solutions on the market that differ in terms of their functions and possible applications. For example, some systems offer advanced functions such as integrated machine learning, which helps companies to recognize patterns in the data and thus make better decisions.

Eine PLM Software eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten

A PLM system with integrated machine learning can help to make the entire lifecycle of a product even more efficient by enabling predictions about the future success of a product and thus optimizing time-to-market. However, it is important to choose the right PLM software for your company’s specific needs in order to achieve the best possible results.

Product Data Management (PDM) and PLM: Differences and Synergies

While PLM covers the entire product lifecycle, product data management (PDM) focuses mainly on managing technical data and documentation. PDM is an important part of PLM, but it does not go as far as PLM.

The combination of PDM and PLM offers companies the opportunity to efficiently manage both the technical data of a product and the associated processes. This synergy makes it possible to seamlessly monitor and control the entire life cycle of a product, from conception to development to market launch and beyond.

Read now: What are the differences between PLM, PXM, PDM and PIM?

The digital transformation and PLM

In an increasingly digital world, technologies such as PLM play a crucial role in the digital transformation of companies. PLM supports companies in optimizing their processes and integrating new digital tools, such as digital twins, which are virtual models of products and make it possible to simulate and monitor the entire life cycle of a product.

Another advantage of PLM in digital transformation is the ability to integrate and analyze data from internal and external sources. This enables companies to gain better insights into product requirements and convert customer feedback into suggestions for new functions.

Implementation of a PLM System

The introduction of a PLM system is a complex process that requires careful planning and implementation. It is important to involve all relevant departments and stakeholders from the outset to ensure that the system meets the needs of the entire company.

Perfekt vorbereitet für die Einführung einer PLM Software

Successful integration of PLM into existing systems

A successful integration process requires close cooperation between the various departments and clear communication of objectives and expectations. PLM systems support advanced workflow management, which makes it possible to optimize existing processes and integrate new workflows without disrupting ongoing business processes.

It is particularly important to ensure the bidirectional flow of real-time data between departments and external partners. This is crucial to improve collaboration and ensure that everyone involved is always up to date. Successful implementations show that PLM helps with compliance and improves the efficiency of production planning and control.

PLM is an indispensable tool for companies that want to increase their efficiency, improve the quality of their products and maintain their competitiveness. By implementing such a solution, companies can not only optimize their processes, but also achieve significant cost reductions in production.

PLM systems make it possible to seamlessly monitor and control the entire life cycle of a product, from development through production to market launch. They provide a central data source with up-to-date information and support compliance with regulations, which is particularly important in regulated industries.


PLM is more than just software – it is a comprehensive strategy that helps companies to optimize their processes, improve the quality of their products and increase their competitiveness. By implementing a PLM system, companies can not only reduce costs, but also increase the efficiency of their production and ensure that their products always meet the highest standards.

Although the successful introduction and integration of a PLM system requires careful planning and implementation, the benefits far outweigh the costs. It helps companies optimize their processes, comply with regulations and improve collaboration between internal and external partners. By introducing it into your company, you create the basis for sustainable success and innovation.

Frequently asked questions about PLM

PLM covers the entire life cycle of a product, while PDM focuses on the management of technical data. PLM integrates PDM as part of its broader functions.

Depending on the size of the company and the complexity of the processes, implementation can take several months to a year. Careful planning is crucial for success.

Companies in industries with complex products and long development cycles, such as automotive, aviation and mechanical engineering, benefit particularly from PLM.

Yes, PLM enables companies to optimize innovation processes by providing a central platform for managing ideas and developments.