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What is Product Data Management (PDM)?

Guide to PDM-Software and Data Management

How can a PDM system help your company to optimize processes and create transparency? In this article, you will get a comprehensive overview of PDM, its importance and how it can be used effectively in companies.

Produktdatenmanagement (PDM): Was ist das und warum ist das wichtig?

What is Product Data Management (PDM)?

Product Data Management, often abbreviated as PDM, refers to the centralized management of all product-related data and information that is generated throughout the entire product life cycle of a product. PDM includes the collection, storage and management of data such as drawings, parts lists, specifications, CAD data and other relevant information.

It is about ensuring that this data is easily accessible and accurate so that it is transparent and available to all departments, including development, production, marketing and sales. A key difference between PDM and PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) systems is that PDM focuses specifically on the management of product data, whereas PLM covers the entire product lifecycle from idea to disposal.

If you want to learn more about the differences about PDM, PLM, PXM and PIM take a look at this article.

Key Takeaways

  • PDM is an indispensable tool for increasing the efficiency and optimization of business processes.
  • A well-implemented PDM system improves data management, transparency and control.
  • PDM accelerates product development, increases product quality and strengthens the market position.

Why is PDM important for Companies?

PDM is crucial for modern companies for several reasons. Firstly, it facilitates collaboration between different departments and teams by ensuring that everyone involved has access to the latest and most accurate information about products and their specifications. Secondly, PDM reduces the risk of errors and misunderstandings by creating a transparent and centralized data source.

By using PDM systems, companies can make their processes more efficient and reduce time-to-market. The management of product data throughout the entire lifecycle of a product is made much easier, which ultimately leads to higher quality and satisfaction both within the company and among customers.

PDM-System: The Basis for effective Data Management

What does a PDM-System include?

A PDM system is the technological basis for product data management. It comprises various functions that enable product-related data to be stored, managed and updated centrally. This includes the management of CAD data, parts lists, drawings, specifications and other product-related documents.

A PDM system facilitates collaboration in company departments such as development, production and marketing by ensuring that all relevant data is updated in real time and accessible to all departments. PDM also includes functions such as version control, change management and the traceability of all product information, which significantly speeds up the entire product development process.

Benefits of a Product Data Management Software

The implementation of a PDM system offers numerous advantages for companies. One of the most important benefits is improved data management. The central storage and management of all product-related data ensures that no information is lost and that all data is always up to date.

The implementation of a PDM system offers numerous advantages for companies. One of the most important benefits is improved data management. The central storage and management of all product-related data ensures that no information is lost and that all data is always up to date.

In addition, a PDM system facilitates the synchronization and sharing of information about products and their specifications. It provides a secure platform for the management and approval of design drawings, manufacturing instructions and other critical production data. This reduces the error rate and improves the quality of the end product.

The PDM Process: How does Product Data Management work?

The Product Data Management Process

The PDM process comprises several steps and phases that ensure that all product-related data is captured, managed and released correctly. The process begins with the capture of all relevant data, including CAD data, parts lists, drawings and specifications. This data is then fed into the PDM system, where it is stored and managed.

Version control is a key aspect of the PDM process. This ensures that only the latest versions of the documents are used, which guarantees the consistency and accuracy of the data. Once all data has been recorded in the PDM system, it can be integrated into existing company processes, such as the ERP system, to further increase efficiency and transparency.

Data Management in PDM System

Data management within a PDM system is crucial to the success of product data management. A PDM system stores and manages all product-related data, including files and drawings, centrally and ensures that this data is up-to-date and accessible at all times.

Another important feature of data management in the PDM system is ensuring data integrity.

This means that all data is correct, consistent and secure. In particular, updating production data, managing drawings and monitoring versions are crucial to ensure that the right data is used at the right time.

Configuration Management in the Context of Product Data Management

What is Configuration Management?

Configuration management is an essential part of product data management and refers to the systematic management of changes to a product throughout its lifecycle. It ensures that all changes can be documented and tracked, which is particularly important to ensure the quality and consistency of a product.

Configuration management plays a crucial role in the product development process by ensuring that all product-related data, such as object and model data, is captured and managed correctly. This is particularly important for companies that manufacture complex products where numerous components and parts information must be taken into account.

Configuration Management and PDM systems

PDM systems support configuration management by providing a central platform for managing all product-related data. These systems facilitate the traceability and management of changes to a product by ensuring that all changes are documented and transparent for all relevant departments.

Well-implemented configuration management within a PDM system increases the transparency and availability of information about a product, which significantly improves efficiency in production and manufacturing. Best practices for implementing configuration management include the clear definition of processes, the regular updating of data and the training of employees in the use of the PDM system.

Transparency and Control through PDM-Software

Steigerung der Transparenz in Unternehmensprozessen

A PDM system makes a significant contribution to increasing transparency in company processes. The central storage and management of all product-related data ensures that all departments and teams always have access to the same, up-to-date data. This creates a transparent working environment in which misunderstandings and errors are avoided.

The transparency achieved by PDM systems has a direct impact on product development and delivery. Departments such as marketing and engineering benefit from the availability of accurate and up-to-date data, which facilitates the planning and execution of projects.

Control and Traceability

In addition to increasing transparency, a PDM system also offers improved control and traceability. By centrally managing all product-related data, companies can ensure that all data is correct and up-to-date. This is particularly important to ensure compliance with legal requirements and internal guidelines.

Another important feature of a PDM system is version control, which ensures that only the latest and approved versions of documents are used. This makes it easier to manage parts lists and ensures that all information is always consistent and correct.

In summary, product data management (PDM) is an essential tool for companies looking to increase efficiency and optimize their business processes. A well-implemented PDM system offers numerous benefits, including improved data management, increased transparency and better control and traceability of all product-related data.

By using PDM, companies can speed up their product development processes, improve the quality of their products and ultimately strengthen their position on the market.


Product data management (PDM) is an indispensable tool for modern companies that want to increase their efficiency and successfully manage their products. By implementing a PDM system, companies can centralize their data, increase transparency and improve control over the entire product lifecycle. When you invest in PDM, you lay the foundation for successful product development and a stronger position in the market.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

The cost of implementing a PDM system can vary greatly depending on the size and requirements of the company. It is important to consider the specific needs of the company in order to select a suitable system.

The introduction of a PDM system can take several months, depending on the complexity of the existing systems and the number of company divisions to be integrated.

The biggest challenges include integration with existing systems, employee training and adapting the system to the company’s specific requirements.

Yes, a PDM system can usually be integrated with other company systems such as ERP or CAD systems to ensure a smooth data flow.