The integration of Wistia into our 4ALLPORTAL offers numerous application possibilities, from the organisation of marketing videos to the management of training content. The 4ALLPORTAL gives you a central platform to efficiently manage your Wistia videos, use automated workflows and realise the full potential of your video content.


  • Centralised management: By integrating Wistia with the 4ALLPORTAL, all video content can be stored and organised in one central location, increasing management efficiency.
  • Automated workflows: Use the automated workflows in the 4ALLPORTAL to optimise processes such as metadata assignment, versioning and approval of videos and save time.
  • Better collaboration: Seamless integration facilitates collaboration between teams through easy access to up-to-date video content and simplifies exchange and sharing.
  • Advanced security: The 4ALLPORTAL offers advanced security features to control access rights to video content and ensure that sensitive information is protected.