CHILI publisher Integration

V.1.3.2 | 24.03.2023 | 4ALLPORTAL GmbH

CHILI publisher Integration

V.1.3.2 | 24.03.2023 | 4ALLPORTAL GmbH

  • Secure connection through JSON WebToken encryption
  • Create CHILI filters in the 4ALLPORTAL user interface
  • Personalization of user-related data via parameterizing filter queries


Let your 4ALLPORTAL DAM & PIM become the single point of truth for your CHILI publish solution. No matter what data you need for your layouts, in 4ALLPORTAL you can create filters to pass controlled and personalized files such as images, logos, or metadata to the external data feeds of CHILI publish. 

You can also retrieve data from different 4ALLPORTAL modules to create complex data models, e.g., if you need specific product data combined with marketing content and images. 

Personalization of print objects is possible by parameterizing filter queries: You could use the identity of a CHILI publish user, e.g. their identification number, to request only certain files from the 4ALLPORTAL. This way, a user would only receive content approved specific for them.